Switch to zamit: Admissions for pre-school, nursery and k-12 school admissions

Get ready for Nursery Admissions 2021-22!

Education paves the way for a better life. It not only plays a huge role in providing employment; thus, helping to earn a livelihood, but also helps you make a better judgement in almost every situation of life. There is a difference between education and learning. While learning merely focuses on a topic or subject; the education focuses on preparing the person for future in every possible way. Therefore, school education plays an essential role in defining the personality of a person; it makes an individual a better person who fits in society and can make a difference. Once you complete your education and start a new life with your partner, your next big priority is the proper education of your child.
In big cities, finding the best school for your child is not easy. Let’s say you find the Best School in Delhi NCR, and it checks all your preferences like the academic plan, sports, extra-curricular, faculty, safety, distance from home, mode of travel etc. The next big task would be to get admission in the schools. The reason is the admission process, from applying to different schools followed by comparing different schools, to fulfilling different criteria, and checking for references, figuring out lots of paper-work (it is really a lot) etc., you feel like you are not doing your child’s nursery school admission but helping him crack IIT or something. 

So, we say it is time to change all this. You just switch to zamit Admissions and let zamit do the rest. It is a platform to Online Apply for Nursery Admission in Delhi and other cities of India. Now you must be wondering, isn’t online school admission more hassle as compared to physically just visiting the nearby schools and collecting the admission forms. This way, you also get to see the school, and you can talk to existing students for a real review of the school. See you make your point, and we get it. But in today’s time of the pandemic, visiting so many schools with your young kid is not a smart decision. Furthermore, if you can get the Registration form for School Admission online, sitting in the comfort of your home, then why visit each school. Now coming to your point of school review. We understand it is very important. So, zamit kept that in mind and along with searching school, you can also read the review and rate your experience on the zamit app. This way, you can get the actual picture that too without stepping out. Now to see the literal pictures of schools, you can visit the school website with the help of website link mentioned in the search results.

Now, gear up for Nursery Admissions 2021-22 with the help of zamit Admissions. Here is what you have to do-

First step: download the zamit app or visit the website

Second step: go to zamit Admissions to apply for pre-school, nursery, and k-12 school admissions with ease. 

Third step: create your child’s profile once and apply to multiple schools at one go.

Fourth step: you can pay the admission fees online with the help of this portal.

Once you have completed the application and have paid the fees, the admission application would be sent to the school or schools for further processing. You can check the statue of application (s) on the same portal. In short, you don’t have to go anywhere. If school want some additional document or want to convey some message, a school can do that as well, through this portal. 

zamit not only helps you in your child’s school admission but is also about many other things. We would be talking about other features in future articles. For now, we would like you to keep checking one more section that is zamit news. For all education-related news like Admission Criteria for pre-schools and anything and everything that has to do with education can be found on zamit news. 

So, stay future-ready with zamit!


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